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Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Website ,

We kindly invite all users that visit our Website and all clients who purchase our products through the Website to read our Privacy Policy before surfing the Site.

This report is given in conformity with articles 12, 13, 14 of the European Regulations Nr. 679/2016 about Privacy, with reference to the personal data of the users of the Website, The report is given by the Company which is the Data Treatment Holder, INSTILE s.r.l., with registered office in Via Ferruccio Parri 67, 51010 – Uzzano (PT). The a.m. Company can be contacted at the following electronic mail address:

We inform you that the personal data you have supplied shall be the object of a treatment that consists in their collection, registration, organization, preservation, elaboration and communication, for the purposes hereunder described, in compliance with the aforementioned provisions and the confidential nature of our activity.
These data treatments shall be carried out by the Company INSTILE s.r.l. in conformity with the Italian provisions and the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Resolution of April 27, 2016 «relative to the protection of natural persons regarding the personal data treatment, as well as regarding the free circulation of such data; the a.m. Resolution cancels the 95/46/CE Provisions (General Rules about Data Treatment)» (hereafter called “GDPR” or “RGPD”).
The data treatment can be carried out, for technical and applicatory purposes, by third companies and persons appointed in charge of the data treatment in conformity with art. 28 of the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679, the list of which can be requested by application to the data treatment holder.

With regard to the e-commerce service, in particular, that is available with this Site, including the presentation, organization and maintenance of the operations of the Website, INSTILE s.r.l. and of the Company Shopify International Limited, with registered office in:
2nd Floor Victoria Buildings, 1-2 Haddington Road, Dublino 4, D04 XN32, Irlanda.

regarding the so-called virtual warehouse (to which the Company Shopify International Limited. also has admittance).
Regarding clients’ and users’ personal data, that can be available to the a.m. companies while carrying out their task, such companies are bound to the respect of the applicable aforementioned provisions.
The activities of sales management - such as administration, payment collection, delivery of products and customer care - are only entrusted to the Company INSTILE S.r.l.
Data shall be treated by INSTILE S.r.l.e, each one of them for their competence, in order to allow the registration with the Website, the identification of users and clients, the management of the personal accounts, the collection and dispatch of orders, the delivery of the ordered products, the management of payments and the provision of a service (like for example the assistance given by the Customer Care department in the case of queries or return request ) and, upon express request, the sending of information and / or material of a commercial, promotional and advertising nature related to our products, events and services. Other services shall be carried out by both a.m. companies: information about advantages and promotional or special initiatives and sales campaigns through e-mail, sms, mms, telephone or post communication, or through registration with the social networks and the necessary management of the relative data-bases.
There remains explicitly excluded any use of the data relative to credit cards and, more generally, relative to the means of payment, for purposes other than the verification of the existence of means of payment, the charge of the amount and the management of payments, as well as the management of any complaints and litigation proceedings.
To this purpose, the aforementioned data shall also be processed by the provider, who is the party that provides services connected with the online payment processing as well as by the institution that issued the credit card used to validate the order.

The following issues are indicated in compliance with art. 13 and 14 of the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679:
1. Purposes and conditions of the treatment that the data shall undergo.
2. Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data and consequences of a possible refusal of answer.
3. Subjects or categories of subjects to whom the personal data may be communicated or who may become aware of the data as managers or persons in charge of the processing and area of distribution of the data.
4. Rights of the interested party.

Instile s.r.l. informs Site users that the data collected shall only be used for the purposes hereunder indicated and to keep users updated on the novelties and activities of Instile s.r.l..
Instile s.r.l. shall use the data collected with the user’s consent or on the base of an agreement for the following purposes:
a) to stipulate and carry out on-line agreements for goods traded by Instile srl., including the shipping operations;
b) to supply assistance to users by means of the “contacts” form or the website e-mail;
c) to register with the website and / or
d) activity of Direct Marketing to receive paper, telephone or computer commercial communications relative to the products branded ROBERTA PIERI ®;
e) activity of Profiling, in order to receive proposals in line with the preferences highlighted in the research and / or purchase of products.
f) commercial communications relative to the activities of customer service and after-sale customer satisfaction, including the survey for gathering and evaluating the satisfaction degree of Users / Clients about the quality of products, in the case of persons who have given their consent to Direct Marketing activities;
g) statistic elaborations regarding the Website surfing and the sales.

The consent can be only given by capable persons who are entitled to give it and by persons who are at least 16 years old (art. 8 of the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679).
Notwithstanding that the Treatment Holder shall make every reasonable effort to delete any personal data supplied by persons younger than 16, the Holder reminds to the subjects exercising parental responsibility or have a tutorial role on minor subjects, that it is their sole responsibility to carefully monitor the behavior of minors in the network and guide them in their browsing experience on the internet.
For any reports or requests for deletion of data fraudulently or falsely shared by the minor younger than 16, parents or parental authorities are invited to contact the Data Treatment Holder without delay.
In the case of online purchases, the data shall be kept for the period necessary for the execution of the agreement as well as for the time necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations; in the case of assistance to users, any personal data provided shall be processed for the time necessary for assistance; in the case of registration with the site, registration with the newsletter service, consent of the user to the Direct Marketing and Profiling activities, the data shall continue to be retained by the Data Treatment Holder, without prejudice to the possibility of the interested parties to exercise their rights (see below).

In the case of Survey or Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction activities after the sale, and in the case of a use of the data for statistic purposes, any personal data supplied shall be kept for the time necessary for the activities at issue.
Mandatory or optional nature of the provision of data and consequences of a possible refusal of answer.
The provision of data is optional, except for the cases when the collected data must be used to execute an agreement or a service requested by the user. In such a case, the possible refusal of the interested party to provide its data makes it impossible for Instile s.r.l. to carry out the task received.
The personal data entered by the user shall be known and used by the employees of Instile s.r.l. only to carry out the activities that represent the reason why data have been collected. The data treatment is carried out by the Company through computerized and / or paper means, with methods and criteria that are suitable to guarantee safety and it is based on principles of correctness, legality and transparency, in order to protect the user’s privacy and rights.
These data may be communicated by the undersigning Company to the subjects hereunder mentioned and / or be object of data treatment by themselves:
- Public Bodies / Institutions (for mandatory communications);
- Companies or Bodies that carry out supporting activities for organizing special services (as an example but not limiting to this: management of the newsletter service; execution, elaboration and transmission of orders; monitoring of payments; shipment of sold products).
- Website maintenance company;
- Services, controlling companies, controlled and / or connected companies to Instile s.r.l.

A list of the above mentioned subjects appointed as Managers of Data Treatment in compliance with art. 28 of the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679 is available upon request.


With reference to what is above written, we inform you that in compliance with art. 13, par. 2, and 14, par. 2, of the European Regulations Nr. 2016/679, You have the right to request from Instile s.r.l. the admittance to the personal data and their amendment or cancellation or the limitation of the data treatments that concern you and to oppose to their treatment. You also have the right to the portability of the personal data you have provided; you have the right to revoke the consent at any time without without prejudice to the legality of the treatment based on the consent given before the revocation; you have the right to receive the confirmation of the existence of the data that concern you, their cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form and the blocking of the data processed in violation of the law, their updating, amendment or integration, you have the right to receive the certification that the operations described have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data have been communicated or spread. We inform you, moreover, that it is your right to present a complaint to a supervisory authority.
We inform you that a failure to acquire all the data requested from time to time may make it impossible to achieve the purposes described above and therefore the non-conclusion of any agreement signed on line.

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